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Pledge Financial Support

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Option to donate to the ZK Matthews Educational Trust.

To make your pledge, please complete the online form below and click the Send button:


Your name: *

Address line 1:

Address line 2:

Address line 3:

Postal code:

Telephone (home):

Telephone (business):


Email: *


Please indicate by ticking the appropriate block/s how you wish to make a donation:

 Once-off donation    R 

Annual or monthly     R 

Please indicate your donation preference:

 General donation to the Historic Schools Restoration Project
 To a particular school (please specify): 


Please indicate your intended method of payment by ticking the appropriate box and complete the requested information where applicable.

Direct deposit or electronic transfer

Account name: Restoration of Historic Schools
Account No: 07 032 4700 (current account)
Bank: Standard Bank of South Africa
Branch: Cape Town
Branch Code: 020009
Please use your name as the beneficiary reference (if you wish to be acknowledged).


Payable to: Restoration of Historic Schools. If not collected, please post your cheque, together with this form, to:
Historic Schools Restoration Project, Postnet Suite 48, Private Bag X12, TOKAI 7966

Debit order payment

Authority for donation by annual/monthly debit order:
authorise the Restoration of Historic Schools to debit
R  X 
from my  account

 Account name
 Account number
 Branch name
 Branch code
 Start date
 End date

By clicking the Send button you confirm the above information is correct.
Date: Saturday, 27 July 2024

Section 18A Exemption No: 930025206

Download option

  Click here to download the donation/pledge form(format: PDF, size: 80kb). Once complete you can post or fax to us.

      Copyright © 2007-2023 Historic Schools Restoration Project